Kerala psc hsst computer science study material pdf
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- June 3, 2024
- By Amith Nair
- Kerala PSC News
Syllabus for the Post of Higher Secondary School Teacher – Computer Science ( HSST Computer Science Kerala PSC )
The Article outlines the syllabus for the Higher Secondary School Teacher – Computer Science/Computer Application exam , covering 12 topics including discrete structures, programming in C and C++, relational database design, data structures and algorithms, operating systems, software engineering, computer graphics, and current trends in technology such as mobile computing, e-commerce, data warehousing, and data mining. Specific subtopics are listed under each of the 12 main topics to provide details on the concepts and skills examined in the test.
Marks Distribution:
- Module I: MATHEMATICS for CSE – 16 Marks
- Module II: Computer Organization & Architecture – 16 Marks
- Module III: Programming Languages & Database – 16 Marks
- Module IV: Theoretical Computer Science – 16 Marks
- Module V: Operating Systems and Computer Networks – 16 Marks
- Information Technology – 20 Marks
Module I: MATHEMATICS for CSE (16 Marks)
Linear Algebra:
- Matrices, Rank
- System of linear equations, Consistency
- Eigenvalues, Eigenvectors
- Cayley Hamilton theorem, Diagonalization
- Linear dependence and independence of vectors
Basics of Mathematical Logic:
- Basic connectives and truth table
- Statements, Logical connectives
- Tautology, Contradiction, Logical equivalence
- Principle of duality, Implication, Contrapositive, Converse, Inverse
Counting Theory:
- Rule of sum, Rule of product
- Permutations, Combinations
- Binomial theorem, Combination with repetition
- Pigeonhole principle, Principle of inclusion and exclusion
Sets, Relations and Functions:
- Sets, Relations
- Different types of relations, Functions
- Different types of functions
Algebraic Structures:
- Homomorphism, Isomorphism
- Semi groups, Monoids, Groups, Commutative groups, Subgroups
- Lagrange’s theorem, Rings, Fields
Graph Theory:
- Graphs, Subgraph, Connectivity
- Independence sets, Cliques, Bipartite graphs
- Vertex cover, Vertex coloring, Planar graphs
- Graph representations
Module II: Computer Organization & Architecture (16 Marks)
Digital Logic:
- Number representations and computer arithmetic (fixed and floating point)
- Logic functions, Minimization
- Design and synthesis of combinational and sequential circuits
Computer Organization:
- Machine instructions and addressing modes
- Control design, Memory interface, I/O interface
- DMA, Interrupts, Pipelining
- Memory hierarchy, Cache memory
Module III: Programming Languages & Database (16 Marks)
Programming in C:
- Data types, Operators, Type conversions
- Control statements, User-defined functions
- Arrays, Pointers, Structure and union, File operations
Object-Oriented Programming Concepts:
- Classes and objects, Data abstraction
- Data hiding, Data encapsulation
- Inheritance, Polymorphism, Abstract classes, Interfaces, Packages
Programming Language Concepts:
- Parameter passing, Binding, Scope
- Recursion, Imperative, Declarative
- Functional and logic languages
- ER model, Relational algebra, Tuple calculus
- Database design, Integrity constraints, Normalization
- SQL, Transactions and concurrency control
Module IV: Theoretical Computer Science (16 Marks)
Data Structures and Algorithms:
- Arrays, Stacks, Queues, Linked lists
- Trees, Binary search trees, Binary heaps
- Graphs, Searching and sorting algorithms
Analysis and Design of Algorithms:
- Analysis – Space and time complexity, Asymptotic notations
- Design strategies – Divide-and-conquer, Greedy, Dynamic programming, Branch and bound
- Complexity classes – P, NP, NP-hard, NP-complete
Theory of Computation:
- Representation of regular languages – Finite automata, Regular expression, Regular grammar
- Closure properties of regular languages, Existence of non-regular languages
- Representation of context-free languages – Pushdown automata, Context-free grammar
- Closure properties of context-free languages, Context-sensitive languages
- Recursively enumerable and recursive languages, Turing machines, Undecidability of Turing machines
Module V: Operating Systems and Computer Networks (16 Marks)
Operating System:
- Processes, Threads, Inter-process communication, Synchronization
- Deadlocks, CPU scheduling, Memory management, Virtual memory
- File systems, I/O systems, Protection & security
Computer Networks:
- ISO/OSI reference model, TCP/IP model
- Flow control, Error control, IPV4 header format, IPV4 addressing, IPV6 header format
- Routing algorithms, Congestion control
- Connection-oriented and connectionless protocols in the transport layer
- Application layer protocols, Network devices
Information Technology (20 Marks)
Module I: Web Technologies (8 Marks)
Markup and Scripting Languages:
- HTML, Cascading Style Sheets, XML
- Document Object Model, JavaScript, JSON, AJAX
Web Servers:
- Sockets and ports, HTTP transactions, Web server, Proxy server, Domain Name Service
- Client-side scripting versus server-side scripting, Multitier architecture
Module II: IT Security (7 Marks)
Security – Basic Concepts:
- Risks and threats, Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability, Non-repudiation
- Passive and active attacks
Tools for Security:
- Multi-factor authentication, Digital certificate, Digital signature, Firewall
- Intrusion Detection System, Virtual Private Network, Kerberos
Module III: Distributed Systems, Cloud Computing (5 Marks)
Distributed Systems:
- Architecture models, Inter-process communication, Remote method invocation
- Clock synchronization, Web services
Cloud Computing:
- Private and public clouds, Cloud service models (IaaS, SaaS, PaaS)
- Cloud access – Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting
This detailed syllabus provides a comprehensive guide for candidates preparing for the post of Higher Secondary School Teacher (Junior) in Computer Science. Each module is designed to test the candidate’s knowledge and understanding of fundamental and advanced concepts in computer science, ensuring they are well-prepared to educate and guide students in the higher secondary education system.